Robotic Surgery
Imagine surgery with a smaller incision and less scarring. Minimally invasive robotic surgery may mean less pain and quicker recovery times when compared to traditional surgery, helping you get back to your life sooner. MountainView Medical Group offers gynecologic robotic surgery, general robotic surgery and cardiac robotic surgery.
What is Robotic Surgery?
Robotic surgery is a minimally invasive alternative to traditional open surgery, or even laparoscopic surgery. The surgeon controls the "arms" of the robot from a sophisticated, 3-D console. Because the robotic arms are smaller than your surgeon's hands, incisions are much smaller and your surgeon has great range of motion while operating.
What is Single Site Robotic Surgery?
Traditional robotic surgery is performed using three or four small incisions, one for each robotic arm and a camera. Single-site robotic surgery is performed with just one small incision, inside of your belly button. Currently, hysterectomies and gallbladder surgeries are able to be performed using a single incision.
Robotic Surgical Procedures